In the heart of the African savannah, there lived a proud elephant named Tembo. He roamed the plains with confidence, his tusks gleaming in the sunlight. One day, while walking through the tall grass, Tembo heard a tiny voice calling out for help. It was a mouse, trapped under a fallen branch.
Despite his immense size, Tembo gently lifted the branch and freed the mouse. Grateful for the elephant’s kindness, the mouse promised to repay him one day. Tembo chuckled at the thought of a tiny mouse helping him.
But soon after, hunters arrived in the savannah, armed with spears and nets. Tembo found himself ensnared in a trap, unable to escape. Hearing his cries, the mouse rushed to his aid. With its sharp teeth, the mouse gnawed through the ropes, setting Tembo free.
From that day on, Tembo and the mouse became the best of friends, teaching each other that even the smallest creature can make a big difference.